
HeyBamboo is a care company transforming daily routines into acts of love for ourselves and the planet.

At HeyBamboo, we're passionate about creating a better world, one roll of toilet paper at a time. Learn more about our mission, our commitments and our story.


About HeyBamboo

At HeyBamboo, we believe that you should sacrifice anything in order to have a product that's environmentally friendly. We craft eco-luxury 100% bamboo paper products that are super soft, completely free of chemicals, bleach, dyes and plastics and kind for our skin & our world.


The HeyBamboo Difference

We're proud of our unbleached bamboo toilet paper that's genuinely soft to the touch. Beyond just being gentle, our products are free of nasties (chemicals & plastics) - right down to the very core! We're all about the good stuff, even using soy-based inks for our wrapping and ensuring everything from the paper tape to our shipping boxes is recyclable.

As we have always said...
HeyBamboo is good for the planet, good for the bum!


Our Commitment

HeyBamboo is dedicated to eco-luxury, crafting toilet paper that's gentle on you and the planet. No bleach, no chemicals, no plastics, no dyes, just pure care


Meet Our Founder

Joslyn Faust, the heart of HeyBamboo, crafted a brand where eco-consciousness meets luxury comfort. Her mission? To revolutionize daily care with products that love you back and cherish the planet

Customer Love

#WeLoveHeyBamboo and so do you! Read the kind words from our community of HeyBamboo shoppers.


I'm a convert now!

I wasn't sure how it would stack up to the tried and true Charmin I buy at Costco, but I am a convert now. In both softness and strength, it exceeded my expectations. It’s a great value, beautifully packaged, and a high quality product that’s better for the planet. Highly recommend.


I didn't know what to expect!

I was cautiously optimistic, but didn’t really know what to expect, and WOW! It really took me by surprise how soft this bamboo tp is that even my kiddo mentioned it- which is a big deal if a 7yr old notices.


As a mom, it makes me excited to see!

As a mom, it really makes me excited to see awesome brands created and founded by other moms doing their part to be mindful of the planet. The subscription option also helps take something off my mental to-do list, which is great!


Quick shipping!

We were pretty excited to get this in the mail so quickly, and the product was even better than we expected it to be. The fact that it’s a great company that is actively doing their part to make the world a better place is icing on the cake. Thank you!!


Perfect for my family!

SO SO excited for a product that helps take the guess work out of going green, and is something we use daily to make that more significant impact on reducing our footprint as a family.


Super soft!

SUPER SOFT! I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but this toilet paper exceeded my expectations! Eco-friendly doesn’t have to mean rough and tough. LOVE IT!


Every aspect is sustainable!

I never really thought about all the waste that happens from traditional toilet paper. And I love that this brand thought of making every aspect of their toilet paper sustainable, even to the dyes they use on their wrappers. Super cute too!


Love the subscription option!

The subscription option is SO helpful. Never again will I hear “we’re out of toilet paper!”


My guests love it!

Fantastic! This is really strong absorbent tissue. I love the low waste packaging and the unscented paper also smells really good too. Guests ask me where I got the groovy 3 ply so I’m spreading the word.